
HD Pickups (With 3D Marker) for GTA San Andreas

HD Pickups (With 3D Marker) for GTA San Andreas
HD Pickups (With 3D Marker) for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 HD Pickups (With 3D Marker) for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 HD Pickups (With 3D Marker) for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 HD Pickups (With 3D Marker) for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 HD Pickups (With 3D Marker) for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 HD Pickups (With 3D Marker) for GTA San Andreas miniature 6
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Published on 6 May 2021

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This mod is a large collection of new and high-quality pickups from the author Ezekiel.
However, I did not like all the new models, so I replaced some, namely:
- Interior entrance marker, target marker, etc., replaced with a 3D marker from GTA IV/V, which looks much nicer.
- Replaced the model of the bulletproof vest - both the pickup truck and the model that is used in Ammu-Nation.
- Replaced the money bag pickup used in the Caligula Casino robbery mission.
- Replaced the red cylinder marker with a higher-quality HD model.
- The main mod is Ezekiel.
- 3D Marker - _AG.
- HD Red marker - Vladimir_P.
For the correct operation of 3D markers, use the LUA script "Multi-colored ENEX markers v2. 0", which, in addition to changing the colors of the markers, makes them rotate around their axis.
Mod Loader is required for installation.
Author:  Vladimir_P, Ezekiel, _AG
This mod required:
Moderators: AndreiKopishev

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