C-HUD GTA Vice City edited SampHack
C-HUD GTA Vice City SampHack edited entirely edited under RPG server. Changed interface coordinates, radar replaced by the square. The dot sight, contributing to an accurate result. Replaced by icons on the example files: deagle.txd
To put your nickname instead of the label "SampHack" in the root folder of the game file "InterfaceEditor.ini", in it we will see item "Clock. Format = SampHack" and "SampHack" give your nickname and save the settings file.
bro he is Russian
by xLewiesuhh... I don't understand what this pack makes...
by xLewiesok not bad
by xLewiesBruh it's funny
by xLewiesYep it works but sometimes it crashes when I'm doing to use skin selec...
by xLewies