
The catacombs V. 3 Final

The catacombs V. 3 Final
Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 1
Катакомбы v.3 Final  video 1
Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 2 Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 3 Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 4 Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 5 Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 6 Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 7 Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 8 Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 9 Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 10 Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 11 Катакомбы v.3 Final  miniature 12
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Published on 10 March 2019

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In the final version of the mod:

Added a huge number of tunnels with exits to the street stormwater drainage.

Replaced model textures sanitation.

Added a tunnel to the village of "the Bay Palomino". They also have a network of tunnels and entrances/exits.

You can drive to the airport, not coming to the surface.

In Los Santos added more inputs and another location.

The mod added two additional script for transitions between tunnels.

Management: the descent on a rope: press "C". To go down on a motorcycle or bike horn. Stairs: "W" "jump" a meter or two from the stairs. The tunnel exit to stormwater drainage and back key "R".

If you hold down you can quickly navigate without transport! Or when the cops took off from the motorcycle or opened the car door sharply while holding "R" to quickly slip away from them!

(For the script special thanks to user Andrjuha18).

The second script is controlled by pressing the "Caps Lock". You need to press fast, short

movement, otherwise you can fly out of the dungeons! The second script is needed for that in some places the first script throws the player on top of the tunnel. It happens more often when the GG on the Moto or Bicycle transport.

Installation: to install limit adjuster.

To install a version of the game. On other versions of the plugin did not work!

To install the mod to Fulfill all the requirements of this mod.

Install mod v Catacombs.3 Final.


Krasev-a - mapping, scripts, pickups and effects replacement textures.

Andrjuha18 - holes in the map, setting up models, the script "Shift Forward", "hearth heater"

UNRATED69 - mod for descent on the rope.

SampHack - script "Wallrun".

ATTENTION!! To put only on a clean game! Not compatible with other mapping mods!
Author:  krasev-a
This mod required:

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