
Configure the Ragdoll fashion for GTA San Andreas

Configure the Ragdoll fashion for GTA San Andreas
Настройки Ragdoll мода for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Настройки Ragdoll мода for GTA San Andreas video 1
Настройки Ragdoll мода for GTA San Andreas video 2
Настройки Ragdoll мода for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Настройки Ragdoll мода for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Настройки Ragdoll мода for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 14 January 2015

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Hello world. Perhaps users who just once used a modification of the Ragdoll for GTA SA not even suspected that the settings in this fashion as something you can edit. Well, somebody knew about this, but could not understand what all these files. So, remind you of an old Ragdoll modification flaws.
1) people were shaking like a rag
2) Unrealistic Ragdoll
3) Bugs where HE fell under the map
4) Unnecessary Ragdoll when flying with a small height

Now it's all in the past now!
Present to you my own settings Ragdoll fashion to GTA SA! From now on, people will fall as real people, not like invertebrates! But what can I say, watch the video, enjoy and download). At the end of the video I explain how to enable/disable silent limbs (when downloading this file, partition off).
Author:  Ryosuke, Alexey1999
Converter:  Alexey1999, Ryosuke
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