
MoonLoader v. 021-alpha for GTA San Andreas

MoonLoader v. 021-alpha for GTA San Andreas
MoonLoader v.026 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
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Published on 7 February 2017

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Everyone knew the CLEO. Almost everyone knows about the many problems with scripts that use the CLEO: instability, compatibility issues on different versions, low speed and due to the large load of large-scale modifications, and developers are aware of the complexity and inconvenience of the development on the embedded scripting language games.
Certainly, CLEO legendary modification, made a huge contribution to modding GTA San Andreas, making this game and is one of the most popular games in the field of modding. But the CLEO library is deprecated, though supported by developers to this day. The scripting engine games too old and has many flaws, and decent alternatives still did not exist. Up until the MoonLoader appeared.

MoonLoader-this is a mod for GTA San Andres, which aspires to become a fully modern replacement of CLEO. It introduces the ability to load Lua scripts in the game, has all the functionality of the opcodes games, CLEO, SAMPFUNCS plugin and adds its own set of new features to the IDE.

MoonLoader will be useful for both developers and users who are not involved in the development. Since Lua scripts do not require compilation, anyone can edit the source code of the script in any text editor. For example, you can change the button or command to activate the script, not being able to program and not turning for help. In addition, you can download MoonLoader already running game by using any of the injector, it might be useful to those who do not want to keep the scripts and the plugin itself in the game directory. Not to mention that the stability of the Lua scripts in the order above, thanks to built-in scripting engine and tools plugin, as well as improved quality of design that also plays an important role for any user.
MoonLoader does not depend on the existence of an established CLEO does not depend on the multiplayer modification of SA: MP and SAMPFUNCS plugin (depend only scripts that use those or other capabilities), and it is compatible with any version of CLEO, SA: MP and SAMPFUNCS.

Lua programming language is one of the most popular scripting languages in the field of game development, and therefore there is a great number of solutions of certain tasks, many ready-made modules on the Lua, using FFI and as dynamic libraries will help save time for finding a solution.
Lua will greatly simplify your development and improve its quality and efficiency, and the scripts will work more stable and faster. Because MoonLoader uses no ordinary Lua, LuaJIT, and which is widely known for its colossal performance, and an incredibly powerful library of FFI, you can achieve the best results in the implementation of the tasks in the most efficient way.

FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Special thanks to:

In the folder examples scripts you'll find archives with sample scripts from the developers.
Author:  FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137
Author`s site:
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