
MTZ Tractor Pack (Belarus) for GTA San Andreas

MTZ Tractor Pack (Belarus) for GTA San Andreas
Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 1
Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  video 1
Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 2 Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 3 Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 4 Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 5 Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 6 Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 7 Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 8 Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 9 Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 10 Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 11 Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 12 Пак тракторов МТЗ (Беларусь)  miniature 13
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Published on 31 August 2021

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This package contains all the models of the MTZ plant (Belarus) at the moment.
- MTZ-52
- MTZ-80, 80.1, 82.1 Belarus
- MTZ-922
- MTZ-1025
Features of the models:
- High-quality models
- High-quality textures
- All models have their own settings
- Tractor Belarus 80.1 has its own settings, 1 painting job and a trailer (Farm)
-The MTZ-80 tractor has its own settings
- MTZ-52 has its own settings
- MTZ-922 has its own settings
- MTZ-1025 has its own settings
- MTZ-80 (Picador) has its own settings and 1 extra
- MTZ 80 beta has its own settings (LQ model quality)
- MTZ-80 Militia has its own settings
- MTZ-80 (Rumpo) has its own settings and 1 extra
- MTZ-82.1 has its own settings
Have a nice game!
Moderators: ChrisRedfield
Пак включает в себя 10 mods:
  1. - Tractor Belarus 80.1 and trailer replace Tractor
  2. - Tractor MTZ-80 replace Baggage Handler
  3. - MTZ 52 replace Bandito
  4. - Tractor МТЗ 922 replace Benson
  5. - 1025 tractor mtz replace Walton
  1. - MTZ-80 replace Picador
  2. - MTZ 80 beta replace Pony
  3. - MTZ-80 Police of Belarus replace FBI Truck
  4. - MTZ-80 replace Rumpo
  5. - MTZ - 82.1 with Farming Simulator 2015 replace Utility Van
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