
Program modifications necessary for work in SAMP for GTA San Andreas

Program modifications necessary for work in SAMP for GTA San Andreas
Программы необходимые для работы модификаций в SAMP  miniature 1 Программы необходимые для работы модификаций в SAMP  miniature 2 Программы необходимые для работы модификаций в SAMP  miniature 3 Программы необходимые для работы модификаций в SAMP  miniature 4 Программы необходимые для работы модификаций в SAMP  miniature 5
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Published on 11 June 2016

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San Andreas Multiplayer is one of the most popular add-ons that allows you to play all your favorite SA over a network, but, unfortunately, did not initially all modifications work in it, so I decided to make a collection of plugins that will make it possible to enjoy the game over a network with other modifications.
-Added Antti-Crasher, which won't allow fly game due to the large number of modifications it
-Added plugin FPS De-limiter, which increases FPS
-Added plugin No Shadows adsorbing original shade and significantly increasing FPS
-Heat effects are disabled
-Removed the blur when using nitrous oxide
-Added plugin Samp Graphic Restore that SA-MP will run any Setup ENBSeries
-Added plug-in Mouse Fix, fixes freezes mouse
-Added new players and new menu cursor
-Added original gta_sa.exe fashion, which allows the installation of the game
-Added memory2048 plugin to fix missing textures
-Fixed cant with black "band" on the road, if you stand at the "minimum" effects
-Now when you exit the auto machine wheels will remain rotated.

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