
Pak Manhunt 2 for GTA San Andreas

Pak Manhunt 2 for GTA San Andreas
Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 1 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 2 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 3 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 4 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 5 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 6 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 7 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 8 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 9 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 10 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 11 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 12 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 13 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 14 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 15 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 16 Пак Manhunt 2  miniature 17
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Published on 26 April 2017

To favorites
Pak on themed game Manhunt 2
Replaced by:
-14 weapons
-20 skins
-2 skin for Skin Selector
Enjoyable game!
Moderators: crow, lk_1997_kl, smalloff
Пак включает в себя 35 mods:
  1. - Uzi replace Micro Uzi
  2. - The GRIM ' s Desert Eagle 50 AE Chrome replace Desert Eagle
  3. - An axe from the Killing Floor replace Baseball Bat
  4. - AK-47 replace AK47
  5. - Scrap of Half Life replace Cane
  1. - M16a1 replace M4
  2. - The SPAS-12 replace Combat Shotgun
  3. - Manhunt Nailgun replace Tec9
  4. - Manhunt Kettensäge replace Chainsaw
  5. - Manhunt Glock replace Colt 45
  6. - ManHunt Sawnoff shotgun replace Sawn Off Shotgun
  7. - M40 replace Sniper Rifle
  8. - Brick replace Purple Dildo
  9. - Manhunt Save
  10. - Shard of glass from Manhunt replace Knife
  11. - Manhunt Ped replace ballas1 (id102)
  12. - Manhunt 2 Ped replace ballas2 (id103)
  13. - Manhunt Ped 3 replace ballas3 (id104)
  14. - Manhunt 2-Janitor replace laemt1 (id274)
  15. - Manhunt 2-Gimp Bouncer replace bmori (id14)
  16. - Manhunt 2-Danny Prison Outfit replace Skin Selector
  17. - Manhunt 2-Danny Outfit 2 replace Skin Selector
  18. - Manhunt 1 Ped replace swat (id285)
  19. - Manhunt 2 Ped replace lapd1 (id280)
  20. - Manhunt Ped 3 replace csher (id283)
  21. - Manhunt Ped 4 replace wmydrug (id29)
  22. - Manhunt Ped 5 replace claude (id299)
  23. - Manhunt Ped 6 replace bmydj (id19)
  24. - Manhunt Ped 7 replace bmyri (id20)
  25. - Manhunt Ped 8 replace zero (id289)
  26. - Manhunt Ped 9 replace bfyri (id12)
  27. - Manhunt 10 Ped replace hfyri (id40)
  28. - Manhunt Ped 11 replace ogloc (id293)
  29. - Pikmen from Manhunt 2 replace wmosci (id70)
  30. - Ill patient from Manhunt 2 replace truth (id1)
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