
Summer for GTA San Andreas

Summer for GTA San Andreas
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Published on 14 August 2017

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By the end of summer. What a pity ... But in the world of GTA the Pacu mods it is just beginning! This pack is big enough, and on weak PC can, alas, do not pull. Now the whole game is ozeleneloj, with a beautiful vegetation and nice realistic graphics. The Sun will shine brighter, more beautiful is the sky and the stars. The water will now swim everywhere become more like real water. In the morning you will delight milozvuchnoe singing birds. Machines now have ENB. The changes would be at East Beach, Los Santos, and at night in 22:00 will begin real summer party! On the beaches of Karl will now be able to lie down and sunbathe (just click the English O), but not too long, but what happen sunstroke. I hope you enjoy the Park and every day you'll return to the fly in the game!

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