
Pak narkomanskogo weapons by Babayka for GTA San Andreas

Pak narkomanskogo weapons by Babayka for GTA San Andreas
Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 1 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 2 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 3 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 4 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 5 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 6 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 7 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 8 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 9 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 10 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 11 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 12 Пак наркоманского оружия by Babayka  miniature 13
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Published on 9 June 2014

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This pack is for those who want to liven up the game.
Пак включает в себя 41 mods:
  1. - Tron Disc replace Knife
  2. - Turd replace Grenades
  3. - Bunana Gun replace Sawn Off Shotgun
  4. - Water pistol replace MP5
  5. - Rexona4Men Deodorant replace Spray Paint
  1. - Taser replace Silenced Pistol
  2. - Detector of s. t. a. l. k. e. R # 3 replace Detonator
  3. - With m4 Chrome replace M4
  4. - Grenade Launcher replace White Dildo
  5. - Xhosa replace Shovel
  6. - Stool replace Pool cue
  7. - Leika replace Fire Extinguisher
  8. - Skull 1 replace Desert Eagle
  9. - Glock 19 with disk shop replace Micro Uzi
  10. - Binoculars replace Camera
  11. - Toilet Paper replace Molotovs
  12. - NeoneBaz replace Missile Launcher
  13. - Crossbow replace Sniper Rifle
  14. - Toilet Brush replace Night Stick
  15. - Air Eliminator replace White Dildo 2
  16. - Gun Hitmèna replace Colt 45
  17. - Gold AK-47 replace AK47
  18. - Cigarettes (Instead of gas grenades) replace Tear Gas
  19. - Multi Rocket replace RPG
  20. - Rake replace Golf Club
  21. - Sword of Halisha replace Katana
  22. - Ripper from Duke Nukem Forever replace Tec9
  23. - Parajetsol replace jetpack
  24. - The Penemachine replace Chainsaw
  25. - Hand saw \ "metallist-2296 MM \" replace Purple Dildo
  26. - Blower replace Minigun
  27. - Bush cannabis replace Flowers
  28. - CardBoardBox replace Parachute
  29. - The Penetrator replace Baseball Bat
  30. - Diamond ore from the game Minecraft replace Sachet Charges
  31. - Pliers replace Brass Knuckles
  32. - Hoe replace Combat Shotgun
  33. - Skateboard replace Cane
  34. - Fender VG Stratocaster replace Shotgun
  35. - Green Arrow Bow From Injustice Gods Among Us V2 replace Rifle
  36. - Battle Axe replace Long White Dildo
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