
The Beautiful Park Of Weapons for GTA San Andreas

The Beautiful Park Of Weapons for GTA San Andreas
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Published on 7 July 2014

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That's made the minipak beautiful weapons include: Ak-47, a grenade in F1, MP5, and still plenty of awesome weapons.
Пак включает в себя 23 mods:
  1. - M870 Chrome replace Shotgun
  2. - [Point Blank] MP7 replace Micro Uzi
  3. - Colt replace Colt 45
  4. - Bits with black bandage replace Baseball Bat
  5. - Spas 12 replace Combat Shotgun
  1. - Desert Eagle HD replace Desert Eagle
  2. - MP5 replace MP5
  3. - Kalashnikov HD replace AK47
  4. - Shotgun M511 replace Rifle
  5. - M134 Minigun from CoD: Mw2 replace Minigun
  6. - M4A1 replace M4
  7. - Grenade Launcher "Matador" replace Missile Launcher
  8. - A flamethrower from Team Fortress 2 replace Flame Thrower
  9. - Fire axe replace Shovel
  10. - RPG-7 replace RPG
  11. - Bo (Bo Bo) replace Pool cue
  12. - Montana Spray replace Spray Paint
  13. - Cigarettes (Instead of gas grenades) replace Tear Gas
  14. - Paint Roller replace White Dildo
  15. - Samera (stif) replace Camera
  16. - New TEC9 replace Tec9
  17. - Granata F1 replace Grenades
  18. - Manhunt Kettensäge replace Chainsaw
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