
HD Weapons for GTA San Andreas

HD Weapons for GTA San Andreas
HD Weapons  miniature 1 HD Weapons  miniature 2 HD Weapons  miniature 3 HD Weapons  miniature 4 HD Weapons  miniature 5 HD Weapons  miniature 6 HD Weapons  miniature 7 HD Weapons  miniature 8 HD Weapons  miniature 9 HD Weapons  miniature 10 HD Weapons  miniature 11 HD Weapons  miniature 12 HD Weapons  miniature 13 HD Weapons  miniature 14 HD Weapons  miniature 15 HD Weapons  miniature 16 HD Weapons  miniature 17 HD Weapons  miniature 18 HD Weapons  miniature 19 HD Weapons  miniature 20 HD Weapons  miniature 21 HD Weapons  miniature 22 HD Weapons  miniature 23 HD Weapons  miniature 24
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Published on 7 September 2015

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Feature of the Park is that it replaced all the weapons in the game to better analogues in HD quality!
-HD quality all models
-Replaced all the weapons
-Excellent sits in the hands of
-The absence of bugs.
Пак включает в себя 43 mods:
  1. - M870 replace Shotgun
  2. - Raid replace Spray Paint
  3. - Bloody bits with nails HD replace Baseball Bat
  4. - Thermal Goggles replace Thermal Goggles
  5. - Hand Held M134 Minigun replace Minigun
  1. - Flowers HD replace Flowers
  2. - AK HD replace AK47
  3. - Frying Pan replace Purple Dildo
  4. - Smoke grenade HD replace Tear Gas
  5. - HD Tec9 replace Tec9
  6. - Camera replace Camera
  7. - Axe replace Cane
  8. - Spade replace Shovel
  9. - Cleaver replace Long White Dildo
  10. - Desert eagle HD replace Desert Eagle
  11. - Air Eliminator replace White Dildo 2
  12. - New cue replace Pool cue
  13. - Stick of dynamite (Metro 2033) replace Molotovs
  14. - Pliers replace Brass Knuckles
  15. - Old fire extinguisher replace Fire Extinguisher
  16. - Nightvision replace Nightvision Goggles
  17. - Rocket Launcher From Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City replace Missile Launcher
  18. - Baton of GTA 5 replace Night Stick
  19. - Putter of GTA 5 replace Golf Club
  20. - Flame Thrower HD replace Flame Thrower
  21. - Glock 18 from Medal of Honor: the Warfighter replace Colt 45
  22. - New Jetpack replace jetpack
  23. - MP5 from FarCry 3 replace MP5
  24. - SPAS12 from FarCry 3 replace Combat Shotgun
  25. - Sniper from FarCry 3 replace Sniper Rifle
  26. - Silenced from FarCry 3 replace Silenced Pistol
  27. - US Grenade replace Grenades
  28. - Knife replace Knife
  29. - Chainsaw HD replace Chainsaw
  30. - The new Detonator HD replace Detonator
  31. - Scs (Self-loading Carbine, Simonov) replace Rifle
  32. - Backpack of Metro 2033 replace Parachute
  33. - M4 from the State of Decay replace M4
  34. - RPG-7B2 from Battlefield 3 replace RPG
  35. - UZI Micro HD replace Micro Uzi
  36. - Explosive replace Sachet Charges
  37. - Katana replace Katana
  38. - Spare HD replace Sawn Off Shotgun
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