
Pak weapons for GTA San Andreas

Pak weapons for GTA San Andreas
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Published on 27 September 2016

To favorites
-Excellent quality
-High quality Textures
-Fits in your hands
-Its icon
-No bugs
-Fire exactly Dula
Moderators: crow, lk_1997_kl
Пак включает в себя 34 mods:
  1. - Baton replace Night Stick
  2. - Minigun from Call of Duty Black Ops replace Minigun
  3. - Night vision device Splinter Cell Goggles replace Nightvision Goggles
  4. - Mace Montana replace Spray Paint
  5. - New AWP replace Sniper Rifle
  1. - Smoke grenade HD replace Tear Gas
  2. - Pistol 9 mm replace Colt 45
  3. - Steel fist replace Brass Knuckles
  4. - C4 From Battlefield 2
  5. - Camera replace Camera
  6. - New fire extinguisher replace Fire Extinguisher
  7. - New realistic flowers in HQ replace Flowers
  8. - Modern ultrasound replace Tec9
  9. - Spade of Far Cry 3 replace Shovel
  10. - The new parachute replace Parachute
  11. - New RPG replace Missile Launcher
  12. - Replacing the old RPG replace RPG
  13. - Pistol with silencer replace Silenced Pistol
  14. - New katana replace Katana
  15. - L4D2 Chainsaw replace Chainsaw
  16. - Gun Blaze 95 (Blaser B95) replace Rifle
  17. - New year's Eve grenade from WarFace replace Grenades
  18. - Blue Graffiti Shotgun replace Shotgun
  19. - Combat Shotgun Fulmicotone replace Combat Shotgun
  20. - M4 Skeleton replace M4
  21. - Skeleton Knife replace Knife
  22. - C-Nimal Sawnoff replace Sawn Off Shotgun
  23. - Micro Fulmicotone replace Micro Uzi
  24. - Putter (SH DP) replace Golf Club
  25. - Christmas Ak47 (2016) replace AK47
  26. - GTA V Assault SMG V2-Misterix 4 Weapons replace MP5
  27. - Bits with barbed wire replace Baseball Bat
  28. - Grafiti Desert Eagle replace Desert Eagle
  29. - New Jetpack replace jetpack
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