Effect of Vyžigatelâ the brain completely destroys the personality structure, leaving only the physical shell. After wandering around a bit on the zone, devoid of intelligence of the body begin to morph into these zombies. From the reflexes they remain only the most primitive, weapons and clothes will soon come into disrepair. As a result, the zombies represent nothing else but slow polutrupy for which exist only two effective stimulus: food and sleep. Zombie completely illegible in the choice of food and drink, so their bodies literally saturated with radiation and toxins. Typically, these creatures roam the Area aimlessly or, like corpses lying around inside abandoned buildings. However, only zombies shall close presence of a living person, he immediately tries to attack. Knowledgeable experience stalkers try to bypass these clumsy Badlands shell Skin made qualitatively and works well in the SAMP. Enjoy your games!