In this anthology collected the greatest number of skins of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Collection contains a grouping of "bandits", a grouping of "military" grouping "Rassvet", group "Renegades" grouping "Marauders" grouping "monks", the grouping of "Peacekeepers", a huge number of free stalkers (singles), the greatest number of skins from a wide variety of mods, as well as some of the storylines of the characters (Wolf, Imp, Petruha etc.)
When you install this collection replaces almost all skins games (possibly remain 2-3 skins SA). Also, changed animation walk in women and the elderly on a standard male gait to avoid bugs. I want to say that the pictures below inside sgtools showing not all skins that are contained in the collection (more than 290 pieces).
Author: GSC Game World
Converter: bag710, Clement, Vadim Panenko, Сталкер ШРАМ, 555, Tiamat_EA, Artem_Zvezdin, Dimas777, Jagyar, KOT33, stalker12rus, =Borman==, The Lozza, PiloniX, STALKER47, Serbin