Wolfhound is a character from S. T. A. L. K. E. R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, mentioned in S. T. A. L. K. E. R.: Call of Pripyat. One of the commanders of the Mercenaries. Commanded the group of militants who call themselves "dogs". Despises any laws other than the laws of force. Shot with all calibers a mercenary veteran. On the identity of the Wolfhound Degtyarev says Smart: "...the weapons he good knew, even though he was a rare bastard. They say his favorite joke was to shoot the man in all four limbs and the head, while he hasn't fallen yet..." Favorite weapon was his gun under the name of Marsh.
Skin is made qualitatively, did not notice the bugs. You can use this skin in any of its purposes.
Have a nice game!