
Jack from Mass Effect for GTA San Andreas

Jack from Mass Effect for GTA San Andreas
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Published on 21 January 2022

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Jack is a woman with strong biotic abilities, she is a seasoned criminal whose offenses include piracy, kidnapping, vandalism and murder. One of Shepard's companions and a potential romantic character. Jack has seen a lot, was in gangs and cults. A strong biotic with a mysterious and difficult past - almost nothing is known about her, except for obvious emotional instability and a tendency to violence. Life on a short leash in the role of a Cerberus test rat left a serious imprint on her character, developed aggressiveness in her, made the girl tough and unbalanced. Jack's biotic abilities are largely reinforced by her rage, which reaches unthinkable limits in the thick of battle.
The skin is made qualitatively and works in SAMP without any problems.
Have a nice game!
Author:  Diegoforfun
Model to replace: bfyst (id13)
Moderators: nakitalotus

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