
Banshees from Mass Effect for GTA San Andreas

Banshees from Mass Effect for GTA San Andreas
Баньши из Mass Effect for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Баньши из Mass Effect for GTA San Andreas video 1
Баньши из Mass Effect for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Баньши из Mass Effect for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Баньши из Mass Effect for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Баньши из Mass Effect for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 21 January 2022

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The Banshees are the Azari-Ardat-Yakshi drugged by the Reapers, the elite of the reapers. Emaciated-looking banshees, moving as if every step is given to them with great difficulty — surprisingly strong opponents. They are skilled and deadly biotics, capable of hurling murderous clumps of energy at enemies and releasing shock waves during regeneration. The most unpleasant feature of the Banshee Alliance troops consider their ability to create their own deforming fields and teleport during combat. Banshee howls do not have a noticeable physiological effect, but they have a depressing effect on the psyche. When the banshees die, a biotic explosion occurs inside their bodies due to the genetic characteristics of the Ardat yaksha, ensuring that they will not be captured alive.
The skin is made qualitatively, perhaps even too much, which is why it weighs a lot. I wanted to optimize this skin, but it is blocked and the author did not want it to be edited somehow, so I left everything as it is.
Have a nice game!
Author:  nostalgiatimegames
Model to replace: bfyst (id13)
Moderators: nakitalotus
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