
Russian voice-over radio - WCTR for GTA San Andreas

Russian voice-over radio - WCTR for GTA San Andreas
Русская озвучка радио - WCTR for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Русская озвучка радио - WCTR for GTA San Andreas video 1
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Published on 17 September 2022

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Russian voice acting GTA SA — talk radio station WCTR!
About voice acting:
The voice acting is one-voice amateur.
The female voice is slightly changed.

West Coast Talk Radio — "West Coast Talk Radio"
1) WCTR News: The program is hosted by Leanne Forge along with Richard Burns; here they talk about the latest news concerning the life of the state of San Andreas, as well as often about incidents that occur in the story.
2) Zone 53: A parody of Coast to Coast AM; hosted by Marvin Thrill. The show is dedicated to conspiracy theory and UFOs.
3) Entertainment America: Entertainment program, hosts – Billy Dexter and Lazlo Jones (later), Billy — interviews Jack Howitzer, later, Lazlo — interviews OG Loc and Chris Formage (Epsilon)
4) Gardening with Maurice: a gardening program hosted by Maurice. Maurice is a very concerned person, and he is concerned not only about his garden, but also about his own body. For example, he likes to take pictures of himself. Also gives callers unconventional advice and makes unusual suggestions on plants.
5) I say/You say: A political discussion show hosted by liberal-conservative married couple Peyton Phillips and Mary Phillips. Peyton and Mary are a caricature of two ideologies: Peyton has communist tendencies, while Maria plays greedy capitalists. For example, when they get a call from a listener who recently buried the corpses of numerous illegal immigrants in the backyard, Maria gives practical advice on how to use the bodies to evade taxes, and Peyton reminds them about organ recycling and donation. In the early releases, you can hear the voice of a desperate Lazlo, who is looking for a job on the radio and says that he once had a radio show; this is a reference to the V-Rock radio in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
6) Lonely Hearts: Relationship Counseling, hosted by Christie Mclntiri, attended by Fernando Martinez; he casually mentions "exile" (from Vice City) and refers to Five Alarm Fire.
7) Difficult End Zone: This sports program is hosted by Derrick Tuckery. He is actually not so much passionate about sports, which he really loves, as about passions.
8) Wild Traveler: a program for travelers; the host is James Pediston. Pediston is a child molester wanted in Malaysia, currently under the supervision of the FBI. He likes to travel the world and record the most "exotic" meetings that occurred during such trips, and then he accidentally reads some of these recordings live (unintentionally), causing disgust among listeners. In the end, they get tired of the insanity of the presenter and they stop calling him for the program.
Attention: (Important: The "audio" folder must be clean, that is, original! there should be no replaced files in it!)
Make a backup!
Author:  акробат
Moderators: ChrisRedfield, Vovan244

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