CleoOptimizer is a program to convert the old missions, written for Maine in a Cleo mission. The program replaces the global variables on the local.
The program takes into account such factors as:
Does not convert into local predefined in the CustomVariables.ini global variables like $ONMISSION and $Player_Actor.
Takes into account that 32@ and 33@, timers, and cannot be used for storage.
Takes into account that the variables can take a few \"slots\" (for example, 0@v is 0@,1@,2@,3@)
Takes into account that some local \"slots\" may be employed used in the mission local variables
Takes into account the sizes of global and local arrays
Does not convert the commented variables and inside strings
Consider that opcode status-texts and timers required global variables
Automatically detects the stream type (regular or mission)
Converts the end_thread opcodes, create_thread, create_thread_wb, start_mission.
Take into account that SannyBuilder DID not know how to work with named constants - arrays.
Additional option - defragmenting local variables - used when not enough space.
The website of the author:
Author: VcSaJen