
Sanny Builder v3.4.1 for GTA San Andreas

Sanny Builder — a powerful tool for creating new missions in the line of three-dimensional GTA games.

The kit includes a disassembler, allowing to translate the game scripts into text format, a compiler and a convenient editor with many additional features, such as syntax highlighting, reading the coordinates of the player in the game, fast travel sections of code and much more.

The latest version of Sanny Builder 04 Aug 2020.

This version was released by 15-year anniversary Sanny Builder.

Key features:

- Support the entire series of three-dimensional GTA games;

- High speed of work;

- User-friendly editing environment with syntax highlighting;

- Extensive documentation with a description of any errors that occur.

List of changes:

- Added support for compiling SCM in GTA: Vice City Stories;

- Added the ability to declare local variables with their own names;

- Added simplified syntax to call subroutines using the name of the label;

- More configurations for editing modes;

- Integration with the new portal for documentation;

- Added a new tutorial on high-level constructs in the language of Sanny Builder (in English), is in the folder: "help\examples";

- Run San Andreas from the menu now checks for the file "gta-sa.exe" (Steam);

- New menu item to quickly create a CLEO script;

- Updated the definitions of some opcodes (player money = SA, award_achievement in SA Mobile, 0479 VCS);

In file "CustomVariables.ini" for GTA III variables "script_controlled_player" and "flag_player_on_mission" renamed to "PLAYER_ACTOR" and "ONMISSION", respectively;

- Return the old version of the files in the folder "help\GXT Strings";

File "macroes.txt" renamed "templates.txt".

Thank you: OrionSR, ZAZ, China·XMDS, and Wesser for their contributions to this release.

Author: Seemann

The website of the author:

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Published on 6 August 2020

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