
GTA Long Night for GTA Vice City

GTA Long Night for GTA Vice City
GTA Long Night for GTA Vice City miniature 1
GTA Long Night for GTA Vice City video 1
GTA Long Night for GTA Vice City miniature 2 GTA Long Night for GTA Vice City miniature 3 GTA Long Night for GTA Vice City miniature 4
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Published on 17 August 2018

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Fairly complex mod, which affected many aspects of the game. In fact it's almost a new game with new objectives, characters, atmosphere, missions. Compared to playing the original difficulty of the game has increased significantly (especially noticeable during missions). A big plus would be if you played a lot of the usual Weiss since to navigate in total darkness, not knowing the city... to put it Mildly difficult. And to explore the city again difficult due to underfoot zombies.

1. Furnished the impenetrable night;
2. Completely redesigned the skins of pedestrians;
3. From the depths of the night the player rushing the countless hordes of zombies that are much stronger and hardier former pedestrians;
4. With the exception of some missions and the rare glitches in the game not present in other characters controlled transport, i.e. there is only standing, which is at the disposal of the player;
5. Slightly changed terrain;
6. Brand new missions, greatly complicated;
7. New or redesigned characters as main and secondary;
8. Reworked textures of blood, water, fire, some buildings, etc.;
9. Replaced some weapons, and some are removed (mostly melee and sniper);
10. The lack of additional missions-quests-professions, riot (and why should they?))), but left on the ground weapons, health, armor (even the new locations are used);
11. Changed radio. In fact, it does not, there was interference (zombies until the radio stations got))). Only occasionally heard some sad song.

1. Mod run through gta-ln.exe;
2. Mod to the game;
3. If there are problems with the text, then put gta-vc.exe v1.0
Author:  Hellfish
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