
Immersive Guarma

Immersive Guarma
Immersive Guarma  miniature 1 Immersive Guarma  miniature 2 Immersive Guarma  miniature 3 Immersive Guarma  miniature 4 Immersive Guarma  miniature 5 Immersive Guarma  miniature 6 Immersive Guarma  miniature 7 Immersive Guarma  miniature 8 Immersive Guarma  miniature 9 Immersive Guarma  miniature 10 Immersive Guarma  miniature 11
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Published on 1 August 2024

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This mod adds a cinematic and immersive way to travel to Guarma, enjoy the island and travel back.

Along with getting to the island, the mod also allows you to have more immersive experiences on the island (there is no sniper). Just head to the map blip SS. Guarma in St. Denis to begin your journey.

Once on the island, your horse will always be there (may not heed your whistle but it's there in spirit) no matter if you die or save and reload the game. It's there but all the components might not be (but you will have a basic saddle load out for your trusty steed nonetheless). So will the captain of SS. Guarma. He will be fishing away at the dock waiting to return you back to St. Denis at your behest (you paid good money). Stay as long you wish. An hour, a day, a week, forever? Your choice. Don't try to shoot the captain though, it's bad manners and he will probably just ignore you anyways. All that sailing at seas and drinking Guarma rum gave him deaf ears and a steel body.

Now that you are on the island with your horse, feel free to camp any where. Just go to a place you like and go into the resting scenario. There you will find a prompt to create a camp (Tip: if you want your camp pointed at the water turn your back to the water and go into resting scenario then click create camp). Once you have your camp created, you can cook on your grill (seasoned meat included), sleep, take a piss, play the guitar, smoke cigarettes, and even drink. Careful though, if you drink too much, you'll probably pass out. If that happens, either sleep it off in the tent, use some relaxing scenarios to slowly wear off the effect, or just go about your day slowly recovering from your massive hangover.

On your journey around the island, be sure to check out the beach around the port. Word on the island is that sometimes a drunken fisherman leaves his canoe unattended. You can borrow that and see the island in a different perspective on the water. Careful though, those waves be unpredictable and you might scuttle your boat if you drift too far out so follow the shore line and enjoy your stay.
Author:  Sir Gremlin
Moderators: smalloff

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