This mask will do similar things for your character in skyrim - your rogue's arrows will hit harder, your destruction mage will cast better, your barbarian will hit harder, your healer will have enhanced survivability. This mask adds various effects based on how skilled your character is with particular skills.
The effects are based on the following: Fortify One Handed: One Handed Fortify Two-Handed: Two Handed Fortify Archery: Archery Fortify Defense: Heavy Armor Fortify Life: Restoration Resist Fire: Smithing Resist Lightning: Enchanting Resist Frost: Alchemy Spell Absorption % Chance: Alteration Fortify Sneak: Sneak Fortify Destruction: Destruction
Location: Currently, it is in a treasure chest in riverwood near Alvor's house.
Author: Jase1126
Minimum version of the patch, which is necessary for this modification - 1.7.
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