
SkyComplete - Automatically Track Quests - Locations - Books 1.20 for TES V: Skyrim

SkyComplete - Automatically Track Quests - Locations - Books 1.20 for TES V: Skyrim
SkyComplete - Automatically Track Quests - Locations - Books - SkyComplete - Квесты, Локации, Книги 1.20 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 1
SkyComplete - Automatically Track Quests - Locations - Books - SkyComplete - Квесты, Локации, Книги 1.20 for TES V: Skyrim video 1
SkyComplete - Automatically Track Quests - Locations - Books - SkyComplete - Квесты, Локации, Книги 1.20 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 2 SkyComplete - Automatically Track Quests - Locations - Books - SkyComplete - Квесты, Локации, Книги 1.20 for TES V: Skyrim miniature 3
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Published on 9 December 2014

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Had not found the quests in the game? Think if all places Skyrim visited? Or do you want to read all the books, not having missed any? SkyComplete will help you!

SkyComplete - an automated system for tracking the quests, locations, and books. In particular, through the menu, the following tracks: MCM

-Quests that you have not yet found
-Current jobs
-Completed jobs
-Random quests (click on them mark them as "completed")
-Locate the laity
-Books, volumes of spells and the treasure map that you haven't read
-Enchants that you haven't explored
-Stones Of Barenziah

SkyComplete supports vanilla Trainer, as well as Dawnguard and Dragonborn. Everything should work with your current saving.

How to use:
In game press Esc to display the menu. Click Configure mods, and the section on the SC in the submenu to start its work.
Note: it may take up to a minute before SkyComplete loaded.
Quest menu, remember that random quests are not AUTOMATICALLY performed. YOU MUST do it manually.

Translated: EXGRAN
Author:  kefka95, EXGRAN
Author`s site:
This mod required:
SKSE for TES V: Skyrim, Dawnguard DLC, Dragonborn DLC, SkyUI for TES V: Skyrim
  • Minimum version of the patch, which is necessary for this modification - 1.7.

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