
On-2 for GTA San Andreas

On-2 for GTA San Andreas
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Published on 5 April 2013

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The plane, created in 1928 under the leadership of Polikarpov's year has become one of the best and most renowned domestic aircraft. It was more than 35 years. After the death of the plane in 1944 year Polikarpova its creator was renamed To-2. U-2 was developed for initial training and better meet its intended purpose. He possessed excellent aerobatic qualities into a tailspin it can only enter intentionally, and he easily went out of him. U-2 forgive even the very blunders of pilot, and excellent takeoff and landing characteristics could take off and land on very small sites are often not completely prepared. The u-2 diagram-a typical biplane. Wooden construction with linen covering. Air cooled motor m-11 rated at 100 HP-first completely domestic design. As aircraft engine m-11 turned out to be extremely successful. More than two decades, he remained the main and almost only domestic engine for light-engine aviation. U-2 was built not only as a training aircraft. He had many options for different purposes. Among them are agriculture (pollination), communications, staff, sanitary, for aerial photography, passenger, float and a number of pilot. During the great patriotic war this small training aircraft converted into a light night bomber, which can take up to 350 kg of bombs. In the rear cockpit of the plane, named u-2vs rifle, was shot with a machine gun. At the front there were several aviation regiments, armed with u-2vs that night had been beaten on the front edge and the middle rear of the enemy. U-2 was built in series up to 1935, and was even longer. All 33000 such aircraft were produced.
Author:  ivan
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Model to replace: Crop Duster

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