
ZiU 682 for GTA San Andreas

ZiU 682 for GTA San Andreas
ЗиУ 682 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 ЗиУ 682 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 ЗиУ 682 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 ЗиУ 682 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 ЗиУ 682 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 ЗиУ 682 for GTA San Andreas miniature 6
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Published on 17 May 2013

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ZiU-9 (also Ziu-682)-vysokopol′nyj large capacity trolley for intercity passenger transportation. This model is of a trolley bus in mass production from 1972 onwards, having gone through several upgrades. A large volume of ZiU-9 allowed him to become the dominant model of trolleybus in Soviet Union, beginning in the late 1970 's. This status is largely preserved in modern Russia. In the 1990-ies on the basis of the Ziu-9 other manufacturers of trolleybuses, guided mainly based on maintenance of factories, have developed their versions of this machine (called "Clones"). All were built more than 42000 trolleybuses ZiU-9 family that allowed them to become the most numerous trolleybus model in the world. ZiU-9 is vysokopol′nym large capacity trolley for intercity passenger transportation. His steel-welded chassis is mounted on a steel frame, consisting of a tube frame complex spatial forms, transverse and longitudinal farms of the spar. The Corps has three doors--one narrow tip forward and two wide-and-in the middle of the rear end. Širmovye, doors open and close automatically from the driver's cab by means of the electric drive (since 1990--pneumatic actuator). Control system of shock through the traction motor (TED) reostatnaâ indirect automatic (group controller). All switching power circuits of resistance and puskotormoznyh are low-voltage electromotor of power TRACTION MOTORS. Puskotormoznye resistance limits the current through TED, so is the rotation speed and torque on the torque. ZiU-9 is equipped with a motor-generator to convert the input voltage in the low-voltage 550 official q. 24, this conversion is very simple--the motor rotates at 550 in soosnyj with the generator on 24 in. Flaw of such solution is continuous noise from a motor-generator. However, good lubrication and alignment of the motor-generator allow you to reduce the noise to a tolerable level. In addition, motor-generator is equipped with a fan, which allows for more efficient cooling of the brake booster reostatov. Low voltage system includes the aforementioned group controller, external and internal lighting and signage, door drives and two batteries. By separating the stress levels dramatically reduces the risk of electric shock the passengers and driver. All electrical equipment inside the passenger compartment and the driver's cab is powered by a safe low voltage of 24 v. Power 550-Volt circuits and devices, originally located under the floor. However, low electrical safety this decision resulted in upgrades the equipment was moved to the roof of the trolleybus, and also in the closet behind the driver. During the overhaul and refurbishment of trolleybus depot in previous releases or repair plants, high-voltage equipment also often imposed on the roof. ZiU-9 brake system includes electrodynamic, mechanical and pneumatic brakes. The machine is equipped with the latest pnevmokompressorom. ZiU-9 the first prototypes were built in 1971. Elements of the appearance and number of positive decisions were taken at the modern for that time foreign firms "MAN and machines Chausson. Compared to its predecessor ZiU-5, ZiU-9 is more spacious, and innovating cheap welded steel hull instead of klëpanogo aluminium, as well as an additional stage of pnevmopodvešivaniâ basket. The trolleybus body lighted three-door (with the narrow front door), Bo ́ had more glass area in comparison with Ziu-5. Power is applied to the steering control. Traction motor control system-reostatno-circuit closer.
Author:  Denis
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Model to replace: Packer
Make: ЗиУ
This model contains custom settings for:
  • - handling
  • - vehicles
  • - carcols
  • This model supports tuning in Transfeder and other tuning houses.
  • Steering wheel in this car is on the left.
  • This is a rear wheel drive car
  • This model contains 3 extras.

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