
1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas

1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas
1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 10 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 11 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 12 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 13 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 14 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 15 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 16 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 17 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 18 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 19 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 20 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 21 1992 Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) for GTA San Andreas miniature 22
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Published on 14 July 2021

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Features of the model:
- a well-developed model with a 3D engine, bottom, interior and other details;
- there is a tuning package. It is installed in the Archangels;
- 1 extra;
- car scale-110%;
- support for three colors (1st color - body, 2nd color-lining on the body, 3rd color-interior and skin color);
- support for the game license plate and standard color scheme;
- dashboard illumination;
- fully functioning steering wheel (requires the installed modification "Improved Vehicle Features 2.1.1");
- own shadow, collision, new model chassis_vlo;
- realistic damage and control;
- realistic real-time reflections on mirrors;
- fits perfectly with the duration of the game;
- adapted to the modification "High Quality Lights Mod 2.0";
- replaces: ADMIRAL
Falkrum-for the original model.
Mad EA-for the disks.
The Alfa Modding Studio team.
Mad_Driver-for accepting Alfa Modding Studio into the team, for advice, support and friendship!
StratenSurf-for the textures of the headlights, tips, a test and for friendship!
Stratumx-for tips.
Nikki-for advice.
Skvgr26r-for the test.
liaz6212-for the test.
Install plugins for removing the limits of Open Limit Adjuster and Fastman92 Limit Adjuster (both together!)
- Open Limit Adjuster
in the settings file III. VC. SA. LimitAdjuster. ini do not change anything!
- Fastman92 Limit Adjuster
we find the following section in the file fastman92limitAdjuster_GTASA. ini
; Count of killable model IDs (vehicles/peds) (800)
; In game there's an array CDarkel:: RegisteredKills and it stores the number of registered kills for model IDs.
; Model IDs that may be killed are vehicles/peds.
; Default value of 800, means that 0-799 is valid ID for ped/vehicle.;
; In short, this value will affect the max possible ID for ped/vehicle.
#Count of killable model IDs = 3239
Instead of 800, we will write 3239, otherwise the game will not start.
Author:  Falkrum, Mad EA, Forza Horizon 2 (Turn 10 Studios), StratenSurf
Converter:  seke757
Author`s site:
Model to replace: Admiral
Make: Mercedes-Benz
This mod required:
This model contains custom settings for:
  • - handling
  • - vehicles
  • - carcols
  • - carmods
  • This model supports tuning in Transfeder and other tuning houses.
  • Not known exactly where the steering wheel in the vehicle. Maybe he is in the middle.
  • This is a rear wheel drive car
Moderators: Vone

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