Thanks to this you can potrollit′ Pacu/make fun of players in SA: MP. Control modes:
A quick teleport: go to the map (game menu) > put the bullet where it would be > Exit menu > click the slash.
Car distance control: Sit in your desired Auto > Click Ctrl + n > wait a couple seconds > manage: Rotate the wheels-np4/np6 Gas/brake-np8/np5 Unlock/lock the door machine-np7/np9 Lights on/off. - -/+ Start drive-X Finish driving-Z
God car mod: Sit in machine > press T + U.
Prototype: Press ctrl + q > what would quickly climb the walls go up to any wall > hold SPACEBAR > bound to it by pressing SHIFT.
Instant regeneration: MOD to automatically when entering the game.
Infinite ammo: Select weapon and press a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Tab.
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