
First-Person mod v3.0 for GTA San Andreas

First-Person mod v3.0 for GTA San Andreas
First-Person mod v3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 First-Person mod v3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 First-Person mod v3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 First-Person mod v3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 First-Person mod v3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 31 October 2014

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This modification will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the world of GTA! You will be able to see GTA San Andreas and its capabilities with new side-in the first person. The modification supports most animated mods, for example, Parkour-fashion.
To include the first-person perspective, you have to press several times the key switch type (default V).
You can turn it off in the same way.
To open the Setup menu, press Alt + B to remove the menu, press the same key combination.
Changes in this version (v3.0)
-Removed dependency from CLEO: Maud ceased to be a CLEO script-now this is ASI-plugin
-Added support for versions v1.1 and v 3.0 (Steam)
-Now the first person in the car replaces the standard appearance of the bumper
-Fixed markers fade out missions
-Removed camera tilt when cornering bike challenge
-Extended viewing angle in your car, you can now rotate the camera 180 degrees in both directions
-Fixed: fade out of pedov close to the player
-Fixed problem with flickering shadows
-Fixed crash due to lack of fs.asi
-Added cutscenes when playing-view cutscenes, the first person is switched off and switched on again at the end of the
-Added support for scripting the camera-view from first person is disabled when you use them, and then turn on again
-Fixed poses in the car when turning the camera back
-Fixed nevomzožnost′ Zoom camera when using the sniper rifle and the camera
-Fixed reset of the camera when you exit the car and when you log into the machine
-Added ability to rotate camera left, right and back to the car the standard slot Q and E keys
-Now it is possible to look back on foot
-Improved positioning of the camera
-Fixed bug with invisibility particle effects through glass machine player
-Added the ability to move backwards and sideways
-Made a lot of minor fixes
-Added Setup menu, which gives you the following options:
The camera's head Offset-foot (stored separately for each skin)
-Shift the camera on the head in a car (stored separately for each type of machine)
-Field of view (FOV)
-The ability to customize the Near Plane (the cut closest polygon)
-On/off rotation player with camera
-On/off turn the camera in the car when you press the Q or E
Author:  BoPoH (Voron295)
Author`s e-mail:
Author`s site:  GTA-Parkour.Ru,
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