
DYOM "plus plus" for GTA San Andreas

DYOM plus plus for GTA San Andreas
DYOM Плюс плюс for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 DYOM Плюс плюс for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 DYOM Плюс плюс for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 DYOM Плюс плюс for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 DYOM Плюс плюс for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 9 January 2018

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And so, ladies and gentlemen, I represent to your attention the cleo script that is designed for more comfortable creating DYOM missions. Activating menu-"CTRL" + "D" it adds the following features:-mission information (shows number of goals, actors, machines, facilities and pickups in mission); -Complete the mission; -Teleport to the place of conclusion of a mission (if you completed it by using a script); -Clear Mission (mission completely cleans, leaving only objects); -Change game Interior; -Choice of Interior by entering its number; -Target selection by entering the number (the selected purpose is not indicated by a yellow marker, so be careful); -Enable or disable widescreen mode (helps with power chekpointov). Hotkeys: "CTRL" + "M"-teleport to the marker; "P" + "1-4"-the ability to set up to 4 points, to which you can teleport. These points are individual for each mission and saved even if you restart the game; "SHIFT" + "1-4"-move to subject points; "CTRL" + "J"-get Jetpack (don't know what it is, but I decided to add); "SHIFT" + "X"-Move forward (you can pass through walls); "GOO" (Cheat)-rapid traverse on the map (as a function of the "stop time" from "cheat menu", but time does not stop, and the movement is with the mouse, which is much faster and more convenient. Controls: W, S-move up and down; A, D-to change the angle; CTRL + (hold)-Slow moving; Deleting goals entering: DYOM menu click "Delete target" and when the camera will focus on the nearest target, press CTRL +; "OFF" (Cheat)-complete the mission started.
Author:  SIZZZ
Author`s site:
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Moderators: Vovan244, crow

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