
Funny SA (exciting state) v 1.3. Final for GTA San Andreas

Funny SA (exciting state) v 1.3. Final for GTA San Andreas
Funny SA (весёлый штат) v 1.3. Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Funny SA (весёлый штат) v 1.3. Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Funny SA (весёлый штат) v 1.3. Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Funny SA (весёлый штат) v 1.3. Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Funny SA (весёлый штат) v 1.3. Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Funny SA (весёлый штат) v 1.3. Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 Funny SA (весёлый штат) v 1.3. Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 Funny SA (весёлый штат) v 1.3. Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 8
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Published on 18 January 2019

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I wonder if you know what the HELL!? In this fashion it is depicted. Falling airplanes, helicopters, exploding cars, which fly to nowhere, leaving behind a ridge of metal and flame. Military fighter, which it is not clear what is forgotten, and instead blame the damn state trying to finish it.
Crazy pedestrians, confusing heresy with gravity, abnormal weather... All of it is on your computer, if you press the button "download". Well? What are you waiting for!?
Changes in version 1.3:
- Now in the sky appear not only aircraft, but also helicopters.
Now planes can appear
- Now that "Hydra killer" will be destroyed, in its place will be pretty large explosions.
- Now from "Hydra killer" it is impossible to escape. If you're too far away, it will reappear next to you, and the old will be destroyed.
- Added the possibility to set the power of the explosion from the missiles (which is not) the "Hydra killer", but not all values are supported by the game, but only: 1, 2, 6 and 7. If you set another value, it will automatically change to 7.
- It is now possible to configure ini file directly in the game!
Enter the code "ytrewq" and you will see a window where you can do your settings. You can safely modify it.
- Now when you activate the mod will ALWAYS fire storm, but you can change the weather in the menu that you can call before you enable the mod. That is, you can customize what you want before you activate the main part of the mod.
- Work was carried out over speed "Hydra killer". The speed depends on how far away you are. If close, "Hydra killer" will be neatly cut into small circles above you or is slow to carry out the "explosive line" near you. If the "Hydra killer" flies a little faster, trying to catch up. But if you are too far, "Hydra killer" develops infinite speed, flying behind you, thus not catching. If somehow you retired (cheating death) very far, "Hydra killer" destroyed, and over you appears new.
Now when some machine would fly, it may be replaced on the tank. This feature can be disabled via file "FSA_SETT.INI". Ah, Yes, you can do right in the game when you enter code "ytrewq".
- Fixed bug with crashes. sometimes when you activate/deactivate the mod, the game crashes, now no.
The optimization does not suffer, and corrections is not necessary.
The responses from the AUTHOR to questions that may arise (In the question; O):

Q: Why does Hydra not see the missiles?
A: 1) Because it loads the system, and on slower PCs have a drawdown FPS, which is significant. 2) You have to pay attention to what is behind the fire Hydra snakes on earth, and with rockets it will not.

Q: Where is the realism???
A: chaos fashion and the talk of it is not.

In: Strange, but I have not always seen explosions of cars, aircraft, "Hydra killer"! Why?
A: Alas, but I can not do anything, it's all a game engine, but that's as far as I understand.

Q: Will there be further some "Hydra killer"?
A: No, no. Again, it's pointless, because the game does not stand a large number of explosions and they are not visible. They are there, the damage from them, but they are not visible and I don't like it, and I don't want to leave what does not suit me.

Q: When new version?
A: Never, I went to learn" C " in the field of Delphi. If you want to contact me, the email listed below.

The author allows to make your changes or alteration of fashion! But the author points out fashion!
Enter code "QWERTY" to enable, and, if it is necessary to disable the modification.
Enter code "YTREWQ", if you want to configure the mod in-game, and quit menu key "to get in the car" and confirm the action - "key sprint (running)".
Enjoy the game!
Author:  Алексей Михалев
Author`s e-mail:
Author`s site:
This mod required:
Moderators: smalloff

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