
Cars with trailers v4 for GTA San Andreas

Cars with trailers v4 for GTA San Andreas
Автомобили с прицепами v4 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Автомобили с прицепами v4 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Автомобили с прицепами v4 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3
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Published on 28 May 2020

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From the author:
I know that these modifications have very much, even I once did, but none of them was brought to mind, in my opinion. So I present to you a completely new version of this mod, the fourth!

This version is globally different from other, first and foremost, a very flexible setup. You can specify a huge list of tractors and trailers for them, and the number of trailers and tractors are not restricted. In fact, the mod can compete with similar mod from kenking, as it has a rich settings, but this is at the same time and the disadvantage is to configure the modification to your taste is not as easy as other similar.

Differences from other similar mods:

- A car with a trailer will not spawn in the place of others, and is looked up in the stream of cars. The car presented a whole bunch of conditions: not destroyed if he sits in it just a passer-by (if sitting special/player - doesn't work), if this transport trailer (Yes, you can have a train, but I have not tested at all).

- Information about the, handled if the script this car is now contained in the structure of the car. Replaced earlier model of the driver.

- After the script hooking the trailer, the car did not lose speed and does not slow down - he went as scripted on its way, and will go until something don't hit (the normal behavior of the cars in GTA: SA).

- The script runs so fast that has the ability to handle the car, being at a great distance from you. Examples in the screenshot.
Author:  TrushinVlad
Author`s site:
This mod required:
Moderators: lk_1997_kl

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