
Police Reaction To Traffic Violations for GTA San Andreas

Police Reaction To Traffic Violations for GTA San Andreas
Police Reaction To Traffic Violations for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Police Reaction To Traffic Violations for GTA San Andreas video 1
Police Reaction To Traffic Violations for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Police Reaction To Traffic Violations for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Police Reaction To Traffic Violations for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 12 September 2023

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In this modification, a police patrol officer will chase you for traffic violations so that you pay a fine. If you do not break away from the police in the allotted time, then you will get wanted stars. If you pay the fine, then you will be able to move on calmly. Also, each user will be able to customize the modification for himself, for this there is a huge number of configurable parameters in the .ini file.

The police are responding to:
- Speeding in the city and rural areas, the speed limit is different, also at night the limit changes
- Collision with other transport
- Collision with objects

A corresponding icon will be displayed for each type of violation.
After the violation, you are charged the minimum amount of the fine. Then every five seconds of the chase, the penalty will increase. If you don't have enough money to pay for the fine, you will be arrested.

Options for user settings in the .ini file:
- You can change all three speed limits (Urban, rural and night)
- You can enable or disable the reaction to collision with objects
- You can enable or disable the reaction to a collision with a vehicle
- You can enable or disable the reaction of police pedestrians (if a police pedestrian has detected a violation, get 1 wanted star)
- You can enable or disable the simplified mode (disables harassment and fines, going straight to 1 star wanted)
- You can adjust the location of the violation icon on the screen. To simplify, there are already several selected settings, you just need to copy and paste
- You can adjust the radius in which the police will respond to you
- You can adjust the radius in which you will be lost and the pursuit will stop
- You can adjust the amount of the fine (Minimum and incremental)
- You can configure the interaction key

Modification is disabled during missions.
Author:  ArtemQa146
Author`s site:
This mod required:
Moderators: Vovan244

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