
History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas

History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas
History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 History in the Outback: Part 1 (Definitive Version) for GTA San Andreas miniature 10
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Published on 1 November 2023

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Pavel is an ordinary guy from a small Russian village. Until the age of seventeen, he was raised by an alcoholic father who beat him for any reason. When Pavel turned 17, he ran away from home to a neighboring provincial town, where he met Eugene and Vlad. Together they were engaged in robbery, until it was time for Pavel to join the army. Hoping to get out of the service, he leaves the country, but eight years later, circumstances force him to return to his homeland, where his old friends have already managed to build their criminal career ...
The number of missions: 24.
The missions are designed for GTA Criminal Russia.
There is voice acting in the missions.
Author:  Dark Petytch
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