The usual ENBSeries (v0.075) with all parameters disabled, except water. By the way, the water is clear, however, add to it the gradient (color) entails a very great loss in FPS. In this case, the mod will work perfectly on any PC without any FPS dips.
Added ASI-plugin SA:MP Graphic Restore, which made possible the use of water in SA:MP (author: Absolute Team Play), as well as your Particle.txd with special texture Shader under water.
Requires a ASI Loader (CLEO 4.3.22).
* Boris Vorontsov — ENBSeries.
* Absolute Team Play — SA:MP Graphic Restore.
* Makar Smotrakov — configuring ENB, Particle.txd.
Author: Boris Vorontsov, Makar Smotrakov, Absolute play team