I want to introduce my graphical configuration ENBSeries'a, which completely takes the original artwork from GTA IV. Also want to mention that unlike the previous version, this shifts and other effects that significantly more consume resources on the video card, so fully play with this mod will be able to those users who have a fairly powerful PC. Well, okay, let's turn to the changes: -Shadow were added, which are very similar to the shadows from the original GTA IV; Water was added at the base of Shader'a, exactly similar to water from GTA IV. Her health has been added to the original file Particle.txd; It was treason gamma at night and daytime. It just blednej, and the lighting is brighter; -Quality of Bloom'a was increased, and he was a bit modified; -Reflections on cars identical reflections GTA IV, they became a little more, as well as their quality was improved; Night lighten up, quantity was more less Bloom'a; -New heaven, very similar to the original Timecyc from GTA IV; -Removed the effect of heat. The author of the plugin-NickITOS; -Mod fully works in SA-MP. Complete with ENBSeries'om ASI SAMPGraphicRestore plugin goes. The author of this plugin play Absolute ASI team.