
Vehicle Special Abilities Editor 1.2 for GTA San Andreas

Vehicle Special Abilities Editor 1.2 for GTA San Andreas
Vehicle Special Abilities Editor 1.2 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Vehicle Special Abilities Editor 1.2 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Vehicle Special Abilities Editor 1.2 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3
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Published on 13 September 2016

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This program allows you to set auto model with special abilities, for example lights from ZR350, bucket from Dozer'a ... any other free ID with all working parts.

If you have installed the plugin "More Cars with up/down lights", delete it to avoid conflict with the program.
Open "VSAConfig.ini" with any text editor.
The "MAIN" block contains parameters that indicate the number of ID, used for a type of "abilities".
The names of the corresponding parameters and blocks are the same, for example, the parameter "BUCKETs" is equal to "1", this means that only 1 ID uses this "ability", look for "BUCKETs" and look into it, it recorded 1 ID which is 486, 486-this ID Dozer'a, i.e. If we want another "Dozer", when successfully installed in the car game will need to register a new ID by Dozer in the "BUCKETs" and in the "MAIN" parameter "BUCKETs" to the desired value, in this case on 2. By analogy it is all done and with other blocs.
I wish to draw your attention to the parameter "CheckExeVersion" which
checks the version of the program, made under the gta_sa.exe original exe version 1.0 and size of 14383616 bytes, if the size does not match and the option is set to 1, then the game just won't start. If you still want to test on a different version, then put this option 0, suddenly will work.
Author:  Alexander Blade
Author`s e-mail:
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Moderators: smalloff, GM-robot

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