
Peeled from the MAIN missions. SCM for GTA San Andreas

Peeled from the MAIN missions. SCM for GTA San Andreas
Очищенный от миссий MAIN.SCM for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Очищенный от миссий MAIN.SCM for GTA San Andreas video 1
Очищенный от миссий MAIN.SCM for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Очищенный от миссий MAIN.SCM for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Очищенный от миссий MAIN.SCM for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Очищенный от миссий MAIN.SCM for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Очищенный от миссий MAIN.SCM for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 Очищенный от миссий MAIN.SCM for GTA San Andreas miniature 7
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Published on 17 October 2017

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The whole territory was opened, you can capture areas with their buddies; -All mini-missions and bonuses for their performance, docks, cargo, Quarry; -All the interiors and objects; -Can be racing, competitions, play video games; -You can buy property and stored in homes, as in the original; -Available to all schools, what scenes were removed from the original games, such as call from Toreno in Flight school; -You can go on dates with girls, initially available 2 girls and with the rest of the meet as usual; Girls will call Carl, remove censorship. -You can pass mission courier and earn income from shopping game originally passed by 100%, so there is no need to buy an entire wardrobe to get one-hundredth percent passing. -Much more. Bonuses and fixes:-in the locker room are available 3 costume: leather, lackey and the dealer; -Close all unused and marked on the map places that weren't identified in the original game; -Flight school available immediately-without buying an abandoned airport hangar; -After completing flight school the player give the HYDRA and LEVIATHN; -For collecting shells at Ranch Toreno Minigun, flamethrower will be available and 2 types of grenade launchers; -Changed the position of the aircraft BEAGLE. He will now appear at the airport in Las Venturas; Replaces: main.scm, script.img
Author:  wmysterio
Tag: SCM mods
Moderators: tima2014, lk_1997_kl

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