
Realistic weapons 4.0 for GTA San Andreas

Realistic weapons 4.0 for GTA San Andreas
Реалистичные настройки оружия 4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Реалистичные настройки оружия 4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Реалистичные настройки оружия 4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Реалистичные настройки оружия 4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Реалистичные настройки оружия 4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Реалистичные настройки оружия 4.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 6
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Published on 10 February 2019

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This mod changes the settings of the weapon (according to real-world counterparts), and the firing animation more realistic as in GTA IV.

Features 4.0:
– Fixed inability to pass the mission "Green stuff", because the new configuration CJ couldn't shoot with the jetpack. To fix this, I had to return to the default settings for the Micro SMG, the rest are pistols, shotguns and semi-automatic machines, which before CJ could hold in 2 hands (Colt 45, Tec9, sawn-off Shotgun), have a new, realistic settings, and new animation.

– Fixed bugs with spray paint, fire extinguisher.

– Fixed a strong recoil when shooting an ordinary COP with a Colt 45.

Features 3.0:
– Fixed extra number of rounds from shotguns at all realistic, ie now, so to speak, in the "store" shotgun only 2 cartridge (up from 8), only 1 shotgun, and a SPAS-12 – 7 (information taken from the Internet).

– Fixed severe damage including: Micro Uzi, Tec9, MP5, Shotgun, etc. trunks.

Now each barrel of the different categories has its own peculiarities. For example, a stronger Bleed damage, and the SPAS-12 more Bang.

– CJ now has the normal animation of holding the weapon in 2 hands, regardless of your skills.

– Fixed a bug with a can of spray paint.

– Fixed heavy damage from the Deagle, AK-47 and M4 (settings are close to the original).

– Because of the specificity of SA-MP, it is, unfortunately, the mod will not work.
Author:  Makar Smotrakov
Author`s site:
Moderators: Vone, ChrisRedfield

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