
Realistic weapons configuration in the file "Weapon.dat" 3.0 for GTA San Andreas

Realistic weapons configuration in the file Weapon.dat 3.0 for GTA San Andreas
Реалистичные настройки оружия в файле «Weapon.dat» 3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Реалистичные настройки оружия в файле «Weapon.dat» 3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Реалистичные настройки оружия в файле «Weapon.dat» 3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Реалистичные настройки оружия в файле «Weapon.dat» 3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 6 May 2018

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This MOD changes the weapons configuration (according to real prototypes) and shooting animation more realistic. Features:-fixed unnecessary number of cartridges all shotguns on realistic, i.e. now, so to say, "store" at the edge of the entire cartridge 2 (previously 8), shotgun just 1, and in-store SPAS-12-7 (information taken from the Internet). -Fixed heavy damage by: Micro Uzi, MP5, Tec9, Trim, etc. trunks. -Now every barrel from different categories has its own peculiarities. For example, sawn-off shotgun a stronger damage, and SPAS-12 more skorostrelen. -CJ Now has a normal animation holding weapons in 2-Hoo hands, regardless of your skills. -Fixed bug with spray paint. -Fixed heavy damage at the Deagle, AK-47 and M4 (settings close to the original). -Due to the nature of the SA-MP, and, unfortunately, the MOD will not work. Minus: CJ now has no opportunity to shoot with a Jet Pack, so when passing the mission green muck "(mission, which gives the truth on the disused airfield in your localization it may be called a little different) you have to shoot his.
Author:  Makar S. (Makar_SmW86)

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