
Realistic Weapon Settings v. 7. 0 (Update 04.05.2021) for GTA San Andreas

Realistic Weapon Settings v. 7. 0 (Update 04.05.2021) for GTA San Andreas
Реалистичные настройки оружия v.7.0 (Обновление 04.05.2021) for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Реалистичные настройки оружия v.7.0 (Обновление 04.05.2021) for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Реалистичные настройки оружия v.7.0 (Обновление 04.05.2021) for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Реалистичные настройки оружия v.7.0 (Обновление 04.05.2021) for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Реалистичные настройки оружия v.7.0 (Обновление 04.05.2021) for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 6 May 2021

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This mod will almost completely change the shooting in the game, making it more realistic. This also includes the position of the firearm in the hands of the main character.
There will be no more crazy shooting with two hands (in Macedonian) and crazy recoil. By the way, shooting with a Colt 45 is also corrected for cops/gang members. Remember that crazy recoil animation from the cops? It is now fixed.
Changes from May 4, 2021:
- Changed the position of the Shotgun, Sawn-off Shotgun and SPAS 12 in the hands of the main character. Now their position is similar to the AK-47/M4. At any level of experience leveling, the position will be similar, only the accuracy and speed of reloading changes. Also, regardless of the skill level, you will be able to fully move in the aiming mode.
- Changed the shooting of the Colt 45-Now it is similar to the shooting of GTA IV/GTA V. At the maximum level of experience pumping, only the accuracy and reload speed will increase, shooting from two hands is removed.
- Changed the shooting of the Tec9 - Similar To the Colt 45. The recoil was also fixed - now it is there, it is not in the original game.
- Micro SMG/Mirco UZI-No changes, because otherwise it will be impossible to complete the mission "Green muck" from The Truth. Now this is the only gun that you can shoot with 2 hands.
- Now, regardless of your experience, you will be able to fully walk with the AK-47/M4 in aiming mode. Adjusted the animation at the minimum level of proficiency experience.
For the mod to work, you need a Mod Loader.
Author:  Makar S. (xneonlight)
Author`s site:
This mod required:
Moderators: AndreiKopishev

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