
Jobs - Expanded and Enhanced

Jobs - Expanded and Enhanced
Jobs - Expanded and Enhanced  miniature 1 Jobs - Expanded and Enhanced  miniature 2 Jobs - Expanded and Enhanced  miniature 3 Jobs - Expanded and Enhanced  miniature 4 Jobs - Expanded and Enhanced  miniature 5 Jobs - Expanded and Enhanced  miniature 6 Jobs - Expanded and Enhanced  miniature 7 Jobs - Expanded and Enhanced  miniature 8 Jobs - Expanded and Enhanced  miniature 9
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Published on 5 August 2024

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Make fair and honest money by taking on various legit jobs - a complete remake of the Jobs mod by Bolmin with brand new mechanics and jobs.

- Scripthook
- Either Version.dll or Online Content Unlocker

NOTE: This mod heavily relies on multiplier assets. Without one of these, the mod is not going to work.

- Every major town is now going to have a job posters board. They are all marked with an icon on the map.

When you get close enough, you'll notice a prompt that lets you view the job posters. Then you can select one of them and the job will start.

Currently there are 6 different jobs available, and some dummy announcement posters for immersiveness.

(1) Chauffeur - Simple taxi mod, take some passengers from A to B, and protect them if needed.

(2) Ranch Hand - The job involves doing chores around ranches to earn money, highly inspired by the work, the player can do around beechers hope.

(3) Pest Control - Some ranches need your help dealing with animals that are causing damage to their propeties and livestock. You need to get a shotgun and do the dirty work.

(4) Wagon Protection - Get your shotgun and hop on the wagon - your job is to make sure it gets to it's destination safely.

(5) Postman - The post offices need your help delivering letters to people at town.

(6) Dock Worker - The docks in St Denis and Annesburg need more working hands. This job was introduced in the original jobs mod and was built from the group up for the remastered version.

- If there are jobs that you don't like, you can go to the game Game Root Folder/Jobs/JobConfigs and simply delete any of the job configs that you don't like.
- You can tweak the job parameters in the config files - from the salary to the text.
Author:  Shtivi, Bolmin
Author`s site:

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