
The Dilemma Of Partunka for TES V: Skyrim

The Dilemma Of Partunka for TES V: Skyrim
Дилемма Партунакса for TES V: Skyrim miniature 1
Дилемма Партунакса for TES V: Skyrim video 1
Дилемма Партунакса for TES V: Skyrim miniature 2 Дилемма Партунакса for TES V: Skyrim miniature 3
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Published on 15 June 2019

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Were you disappointed with how ruthless and unforgiving the Blades were finished the main quest and did not allow you to make the right choice? You wanted to show your point of view and their opinion? Well now you can! This is a simple mod that makes much-needed changes after the main quest chain, with the choice to kill you Parturnaksa or spare. Go through the quest, as usual, will talk and listen to Greybeards and Parturnaks. Next you will be presented with 2 solutions. Are you a ruthless savage like your Blade companions or you experience the compassion and forgiveness of the Blades, or are you capable of more? Make your choice, Dragonborn! After completing the main quest, the Blades you are offered to commit murder Parturnaksa, talk to the Arngeyra and Delphine, convince them to save the life of the Parturnaks or...

1. If you decide to spare the life of Parturnaks, return to Delphine or Esbern and explain it to them. You may have to be a little more eloquent in the process. They do not like what you tell them, but they are supposed to serve the dragonborn, right?

2. If you decide to kill Parturnaksa, in the end, he will not be alone. Parturnaks told you that he is going to teach other dragons the Way of the voice and he'll have his own group of disciples who will stand up for my teacher!

- Skyrim or higher

Setting:(manually or via NMM Manager)
Place the data folder from the archive into the game folder (not Data inside Data, and over), confirm the merge folders and aktivirate in the launcher

Do not do this if you are already preserved with the mod or have completed all the quests of the mod, deleting the mod will break your game quest chain.
Author:  Arthmoor
Author`s site:
This mod required:
Dawnguard DLC, Dragonborn DLC
  • Minimum version of the patch, which is necessary for this modification - 1.7.
Moderators: Vone, lk_1997_kl

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