
SkyGfx SA 2.8 (b) for GTA San Andreas

SkyGfx SA 2.8 (b) for GTA San Andreas
SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 10 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 11 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 12 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 13 SkyGfx SA 2.8b for GTA San Andreas miniature 14
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Published on 23 May 2016

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SkyGfx returns the exact command-line atmosphere graphics on the PC.

Changes to 2.8 (a):
-Fixed VCS-reflection
-New INI switches for individual control screen shades and from pedov (now also used for cutscenes and you can switch during the game)
-Attempt to introduce mobile colorcycle (colorFilter = 2). While there is no certainty that he is absolutely correct
-Option to increase the size of the middle square with water (detailed)
-Standard PC-DFF transport had all applied effects of reflections, while the PS2 DFF look different in the game. First, there were attempts to cure this converting PS2 DFF, but everything went wrong (download the new link at the bottom). PC files * damaged *, but not as much as was thought. The trick is to only display the effects of reflections, where the material has included MatFX Wednesday. This means that "uglyWheelHack" finally removed forever!
-Display reflections now comes with an individual gangway. It's the closest match PS2-rendering, because the old way didn't quite looked properly on transparent geometry
-Use of ambient light to markers like on PS2 (pink cylinder at night). Use the ps2MarkerAmbient = 1 only when installed PS2 DFF markers (see below)
-The brightness slider controls (but not only) the D3D gamut on PC, PS2 has no such. disableGamma = 1 changes this
-Now about a major bug that finally disappeared: ps2Ambient is used to add, the largest channel for all three again, because it was assumed that it is on the PS2. Only that's not a feature of the PS2, PC version also does it! Reverse engineering material occurred with PS2-brightness slider provernutym for any reason up to the maximum. and that's exactly what causes this. If the brightness above 256 (default value), the ambient light becomes brighter by this method. Some people complained that it was too bright. and they were right!
-Procobj'ekty now should appear a little better
-Recommended for use with Silent Patch
Attention! Modification to work properly requires gta_sa.exe 1.0 us!
Author:  The Hero
This mod required:
Moderators: lk_1997_kl, Rayan

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