
BADABING for GTA San Andreas

BADABING for GTA San Andreas
BADABING for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 BADABING for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 BADABING for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 BADABING for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 BADABING for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 17 August 2020

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This mod adds the ability to have fun and to make war with the cops using a stationary machine gun.
In order to spawn the gun, enter the cheat "GUN", the gun activate and select one of the game modes:
- Free: you are not granted any bonuses or restrictions. All the damage and star search remain after the release.
- Survival mode in which there are 3 levels of difficulty and 1 extra. On each level you are given certain bonuses, or Vice versa - limits. All the damage and star search are reset when exit.

All you will have 2 types of weapons: machine gun and Molotov cocktails. You can switch between them by pressing X.
The gun has a system of overcharge and overheating (scale of overheating is to the right under the indicator x and money).
Also, when killing a certain number of peds you are going to achieve. And after killing 500 people in survival mode you will unlock the level 4 complexity, Chaos, what will you see for yourself.

GUN (cheat) - create a machine gun
T - activate machine gun
X to change weapons
R - reload
Mouse wheel or Q and E to zoom in/zoom out scope
H - refill health (only available on the 1 and 2 difficulty levels in "Survival mode")
Author:  SIZZZ
Author`s site:
This mod required:
Moderators: Vone, lk_1997_kl

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