
Sounds for trucks like in GTA VC v2. 0 for GTA San Andreas

Sounds for trucks like in GTA VC v2. 0 for GTA San Andreas
Звуки для грузовиков как в GTA VC v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Звуки для грузовиков как в GTA VC v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Звуки для грузовиков как в GTA VC v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3
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Published on 26 August 2020

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Another script that adds another feature that was in GTA VC (thus making it clear that the developers COULD do it), but for some, to put it mildly, unclear reasons, did not appear in GTA SA.
Now "big" cars (such as tractors and other trucks) will make special sounds when they feed back, as well as sounds of air compression when they stop completely.
Sounds and their manner of "behavior" are taken from GTA VC (from there this feature, in fact, is taken).
Version 1.5
- A truck is now considered a car that has 6 wheels.
- Now the sound of air compression is played by all trucks. And it is now configured normally, and you will not hear it repeated if the car gets on some bump.
- The sound of reversing is still only available to the player. Because of this, there are now two scripts - one is responsible for backing up, and the second is responsible for the uncompressing sound. Since they have completely different algorithms, it was easier to separate them.
- Sound volume is now paired with the sound settings in the game itself.
- Fixed memory leaks that could break the mission, etc.
- Mod made with an eye on my past modifications: "Diesel" and "V4 trailer Cars", and fully compatible with them. All these mods fit into the structure of the car, and interact harmoniously.
Version 2.0
- Now the script is alone again.
- Both sounds are now made by all trucks.
- The maximum number of vehicles processed simultaneously by the script is 16. I Think this is more than enough.
Author:  TrushinVlad
This mod required:
Moderators: AndreiKopishev

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