
RZL-Trainer v4. 0. 0 (Cheat Menu) - A convenient cheat menu like in GTA 5 for GTA San Andreas

RZL-Trainer v4. 0. 0 (Cheat Menu) - A convenient cheat menu like in GTA 5 for GTA San Andreas
RZL-Trainer v4.0.0 (Cheat Menu) - Удобное чит-меню как в GTA 5 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 RZL-Trainer v4.0.0 (Cheat Menu) - Удобное чит-меню как в GTA 5 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 RZL-Trainer v4.0.0 (Cheat Menu) - Удобное чит-меню как в GTA 5 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 RZL-Trainer v4.0.0 (Cheat Menu) - Удобное чит-меню как в GTA 5 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 RZL-Trainer v4.0.0 (Cheat Menu) - Удобное чит-меню как в GTA 5 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 26 May 2021

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This is a CLEO trainer or a new generation cheat menu. I hope you know why you need it. The user interface is made in the style of GTA 5. It consists of as many as 244 thousand lines of code. The configuration. ini file is automatically created when the game starts.
The minimum version of CLEO is v4. 4. 0!
There will be bugs on CLEO v4.3 and below!
What's new?
This version is a complete remake of the old trainer.
Added brand new features:
- New rewind styles
- Add-on skins spavner (Automatic scanning of the "CLEO\Skin.img" archive)
- Add-on pedov spavner (Automatic scanning)
-Add-on machine spawner (Automatic scanning)
- Add-on weapon spawner (Manual configuration)
- Player appearance editor (Automatic scanning)
- A tool for creating maps (Automatic scanning of objects)
- Ability to enter the car ID or the name of the DFF model
- Car tuning (Automatic scanning of parts)
- Neon on cars
- MP3 player
- Water Editor
- Hack of system colors
- Teleport to the 'N' icon on the radar (Experimental function)
- Support for text translations in *.ini format. Now anyone can become a trainer translator in their native language. And yes, you can share your translation with others!.
"and a lot more."
Help: Add-on (Add-On) - these are skins/cars/guns that do not replace the standard models. They are added to the game as completely new.
- From the keyboard
F2-Show/Hide the menu
Numpad 5 / Right Shift-Select
Numpad 0/Backspace - Go Back
Numpad 8 / Up - Up Arrow
Numpad 2/Down-Down Arrow
Numpad 4/Left - Left arrow
Numpad 6/Right - Right arrow
Numpad 9/Page Up-Go up a whole page (if possible)
Numpad 3/Page Down-Drop down a whole page (if possible)
- Keyboard shortcuts
Alt 1 - Player Options menu
Alt 2 - Transport Options menu
Alt 3-Search options menu
Alt 4-Weapons Menu
Alt 5 - Teleport Menu
Alt 6-Mission Menu
Alt 7 - Time Menu
Alt 8-Weather Menu
Alt 9-Objects menu
Alt 0 - Other options menu
Atl Q-Airbreak
Atl F-Exit from the transport
Atl T-Enter the name of the dff model
Delete-Teleport to the marker
J-Teleport to the nearest car
K-Teleport the passenger to the nearest car
'- Pass through the barrier
] - Fast acceleration
[ - Quick stop
* Player Options
Everything related to the player. For example: spawn, skin change, god mode, etc
. * Transport options
Everything related to transport. For example: vehicle spawn, vehicle tuning and modification, god mode, etc.
* Search options
A menu related to the police.
* Weapon Options
Everything related to weapons is localized here. Such as: Weapon spawn, ammo count, infinite ammo, etc.
* Teleport options
Teleport menu. With it, you can easily run through all the graffiti, oysters, horseshoes and pictures. And of course, go to any place you want to go.
* Mission Options
Quick access to all the missions in the game, including mini-games.
*Time options
Everything related to time. Setting the time, day of the week, game speed, etc.
*Weather Options
You can set your favorite weather here.
* Object options
Map creator, object spawner. Yes, you can create your own map right in the game, and even save it.
*Other options
A few smaller menus are here. Such as: MP3 player, water editor, etc.
The center for configuring the trainer for yourself. Such as: theme, menu position, language, etc.
Participated in the development:
(Contribution - muhammad_herizal)
1. Additional local variables-Source from Ninja FTW
2. Trains never go off the rails-Memory addresses from Santosh
3. Advanced Train Spawner-Memory address from Ryosuke
4. Neon-Memory address from Den_spb
5. Add-on Skins-Source features from Fan Script and Ryosuke
6. Add-on weapons-Memory addresses from Fan Script
7. Extending the FPS limit and Removing the 14-millisecond delay-Memory address from Junior Djjr
8. Transport model ID checker - The source of the function from Junior Djjr
9. Entering the name of the DFF transport model - The source of the function from Junior Djjr
10. Saving the transport-Helped Mikhail Kochitov (chell555)
11. Disabling the replay-The memory address from Junior Djjr
12. Reloading the water-The source of the function from Gold Fish
13. Hacking system colors-Memory address from Frouk
14. Places of graffiti painting - from SA Helper
15. "No heat" effect and disable motion blur - Memory address from Junior Djjr
16. Tested-MDR
Author:  muhammad_herizal
Author`s site:
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Moderators: Vone

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