
Project X ENB v2.0 Edition ScreenShots (MTA) for GTA San Andreas

Project X ENB v2.0 Edition ScreenShots (MTA) for GTA San Andreas
Project X ENB v2.0 ScreenShots Edition (MTA) for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Project X ENB v2.0 ScreenShots Edition (MTA) for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Project X ENB v2.0 ScreenShots Edition (MTA) for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Project X ENB v2.0 ScreenShots Edition (MTA) for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Project X ENB v2.0 ScreenShots Edition (MTA) for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Project X ENB v2.0 ScreenShots Edition (MTA) for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 Project X ENB v2.0 ScreenShots Edition (MTA) for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 Project X ENB v2.0 ScreenShots Edition (MTA) for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 Project X ENB v2.0 ScreenShots Edition (MTA) for GTA San Andreas miniature 9
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Published on 29 November 2016

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The second version of my settings for screening in Edition 2.0 on the basis of 0.121 v d3d9.dll, however unlike the old version, this was completely adapted to SA-MP and MTA. I have to say that this setting for powerful PC and play with her besmyslenno, because it is done solely for creating beautiful screenshots and nothing more! So if you don't do this kind of activity, then this setting will you worthless!
-Fixed bug with night and day-light, gamma itself became more bright and colorful;
-Bump effect was removed, not working in SA-MP;
-Was originally off the effect of SSAO shader, i.e. that adds volume all objects on the map. To activate, use Shift + F10;
-Added realistic water;
-Quality customized colors of the sky at different times of day, autumn sky references;
-Quality-minded reflection on cars. To turn off the use Shift + Insert \ F11;
-There is a strong focus, DoF effect ideal for screening vehicles, textures, skins and other modifications;
-Removed original shade. The author of the plugin-The Hero;
-Quality customized effect Bloom'a;
-Fixed other minor bugs.
Attention! The mod initially switched off! Therefore, to activate it \ deactivate use Shift + F12!
For players SA-MP it is recommended to install SAMP Graphic Restore! Test on version 1.0 gta_sa.exe us.
Author:  Makar St
Tag: ENB
This mod required:
Moderators: smalloff, GM-robot

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