
Props Remastered Project 0.1

Props Remastered Project 0.1
Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 1 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 2 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 3 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 4 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 5 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 6 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 7 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 8 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 9 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 10 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 11 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 12 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 13 Props Remastered Project 0.1  miniature 14
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Published on 20 January 2020

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Despite the fact that the action of San Andreas takes place in the vast state where crazy is a lot of some of the nooks and crannies, industrial areas, poor areas, all of them, in fact, completely empty. To this is added the fact that the main plot is the theme of ghetto and street gangs. That is, in these places there is absolutely no dirt or debris, or anything that just symbolizes such areas, and in General a huge metropolis (with the exception of broken down cars, but it is perhaps the only thing that somehow could reflect the social status of an area).

And that's just the essence of this project is to add these seemingly very small things in the game.

This mod is only a small part of the project, which, at least for the moment, abandoned.

In this build edited only Grove Street and surrounding neighborhood.

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Author:  Makar Smotrakov
Author`s site:
Tag: Objects
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Moderators: 05010513788

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